Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why People Don't Heal and How They Can

Why People Don't Heal and How They Can

with Dr. Caroline Myss

699MB | XVid | 76min | English no Subs | Genre Self-Help | 544x384

Dr. Caroline Myss World-Renowned Medical Intuitive and Pioneer in the Field of Energy Medicine and Human Consciousness. "Healing is irrational. It is in fact one of the most irrational things you're ever going to undertake in your life...There is nothing logical or orderly about healing. Why? Because healing requires forgiveness." --Caroline Myss, PH.D. Caroline Muss will change your life! She is that rare individual who can alter our fundamental ideas about health and well-being. In her no-nonsense high-voltage style, Caroline provides insights that foster hope and inspiration, unlocking the doors to health and healing. Her motto, "Your Biography becomes your biology" is based on fifteen years of research as a medical intuitive. Caroline reveals how your thoughts and feelings are recorded in every one of your cells and how this determines your emotional, spiritual and psychological well-being. She explains the cultural blocks to healing and shows how to improve your health with the revolutionary five steps to Healing. With humor and compassion, Caroline Myss shares a bold new vision that will electrify you. Discover the infinite possibilities for a healthy, vibrant and spiritually fulfilling life. "Caroline Myss is a new original voice that will be heard. I enthustically endorse her teachings. Pay attention, there's much to learn here." -- Dr. Wayne Dyer, Author of Your Erroneous Zones.

Best-selling author examines why people use their wounds to gain intimacy and power and teaches how to release the victim mentality that is the first obstacle to wellness.

From the author of "Anatomy of the Spirit" comes a bold new vision of healing that will electrify the audience with its unlimited possibilities for improved health and spiritual connection. Dr. Myss attempts to show how sacred self-healing energy is wasted during illness, and shows better ways in which to help themselves heal.

Why People Don't Heal details the intended path of one's spiritual evolution, asserting that it is a microcosm of the spiritual development of humankind over the ages. "With each astrological age (which lasts about 2,000 years), human consciousness develops in new ways," says Myss.

"During each age a particular kind of energy dominates, and it affects people's lives, health, and spiritual outlooks, leading to certain perceptions about the nature of reality and the power of the human spirit."

Since the ladder of awareness that humankind has climbed over centuries is the same one each of us is meant to ascend in our own individual lifetime, we can then study the spiritual lessons of the ages of Aries (Tribal power), Pisces (Individual), and Aquarius (Symbolic) and apply them to our own human natures; to fail to do so has distinct health consequences. After describing the reasons why people don't heal, Myss delves into how they can; the first step often consists of calling one's spirit back, retrieving one's energy from the places it has gotten "stuck" in one's past.

In practical terms, this means learning to see that difficult experiences are meant to be learned from, and gotten over. Why People Don't Heal and How They Can also details the process of learning to read the body, recognizing that its illnesses are very specific expressions of particular spiritual issues (an idea Myss introduced in her bestselling book Anatomy of The Spirit). In every case, seeing the spiritual lesson that underlies any illness requires a shift in consciousness.

"I believe that all illnesses can be thought of as transformation experiences," says Myss. "Looking upon an illness as an opportunity to grow in self-awareness activates the potential for healing that lies dormant when you take a passive position or descend into self-pity. When an illness is a part of your spiritual journey, no medical intervention can heal you until your spirit has begun to make the changes that the illness was designed to inspire."

As easy as it might sound, the prospect of self-awareness is terrifying to most people, because every internal change in perspective or belief activates an external shift, usually destroying the familiar (and therefore comforting) outlines of their lives. Why People Don't Heal and How They Can scrutinizes why many people are so scared of change that they will unconsciously sabotage their own healing process rather than make changes in their emotional and psychological lives to effect a shift in their biology.

"I often say that 'your biography becomes your biology,'" says Myss. "If you are sick, you must recognize that living life as you always have seemingly brought you to illness. Although there are no guarantees about healing, if you are able to enter into a process of change, then you maximize your chances of getting well if not on the physical plane, then more importantly in a spiritual sense."

Finally, Why People Don't Heal explains why an intellectual understanding of what you need to do to heal is not enough; to ignite the healing fire, you must believe it with your heart. "The greatest illusion of the New Age is that awareness alone heals," says Myss. "Believe me, awareness by itself does nothing! Putting the healing process in motion requires a regular spiritual practice and discipline, not just exercise and clean living."

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